Friday, February 21, 2014

Birthday knotted Hair!

ok lets just start by saying ladies if your hubs says he turned the sprinkler valve off for winter double check it for him. Yesterday was crazy right as I was leaving to take treats to my daughters class I hear this hissing sound outside as I'm letting our dog out! To my horror I find our window well more than half full of water! It was pouring through the seams into our basement like a waterfall! I called my neighbor and she hurried over and helped me until my husband could get home. It was not good! I'm just so glad our basement isn't finished and that I caught it . If I wouldn't have gone down there we would be swimming. Moving on~
 Today is my sweet little girls bday! I wanted to do something out of her face and that would look adorable. I pulled her hair into a high pony tail. Then I started taking smaller sections and knotted them. Yes I said knotted. just like your going to knot a shoelace. then I pinned it pretty cute huh!


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