so this morning started off a bit rocky. My four yr old sons fish died last night. I knew it was coming he just wasn't eating or swimming like he should of been. I think he was old..... It was so sad when I told him. He started crying. Then we gave it a little memorial service so he would feel better about life. I had to keep telling him he would see "blue bomber again someday"! I instantly reminded him of the awesome butterfly farm that he got for his birthday, and how he has five precious butterfly's waiting to hatch soon! That helped.I don't care if its a grasshopper if its a pet in the house its still sad when they leave this earth. Moving on.....
So today was Dr. Seuss BDay! My daughter and her Bff dressed up as thing one and two. I know that there hair is blue and straight , but scince her hair is long I decided last night to put her hair in the good ole fashioned sponge curlers. You know the ones that your mom made you wear to bed the Saturday before church. The ones that you didn't get a wink of sleep in, yip that's what I'm talking about. She was all for it so we washed her , put mousse in it, blew her hair out about 90% dry then rolled it . I did the curlers all high so she would sleep.
They turned out so awesomely curly. we sprayed it and Backcombed it a bit this morning so it was fully a huge head of hair! She was a perfect thing two!
I would love any comments if you have any!
Adorable! You are amazing!